Sunday, April 09, 2006

emails and other news and tidbits about family

Greetings all you members of the Johnson clan! That of course includes all of you in the Swenson and Grimm bunch as well. Bobbie's recent email (it immediately follows this introduction) prompted me to start a family news exchange. Not only will it serve to provide a source for all pertinent family news, but an easily accessible means for sharing updates of addresses and phone numbers. Accordingly, I have created a new family newsletter blog site, which you have obviously accessed, where I will post any family news or access information that comes to my PC. It will be set up as a private response newsletter so anyone who’s email address is on the list can post comments or news items. NOTE: if you’re not on the list you can still access the newsletter. You just can’t post a comment as those on the list can.


I will still publish my Family and Friends and Travels with Charlie blogs for my more personal news and ask that this newsletter be used only for "joys and concerns" type of info of general interest to the whole family–like Bobbie's news about Marcia, Dotte and Jenny. When in doubt, email the info to me and I will post it directly on the site. That would also include new addresses or phone numbers. Should anyone need an address or phone number, goto or click on where you’ll find an alphabetical list of addresses of all the family members I have at hand. Also, please check for and let me know (email is fine) about any inaccuracies or new information that needs to be added or changed.

All items will be posted in date order with the latest starting at the very top. Scrolling down through the blog you will be able to view all past postings that have not been removed. Since I am at this moment setting this all up it may not be complete for a few days. There will be a note at the top of the blog describing both its status and the date of the last update.

REMEMBER! All you have to do is enter in your Internet address line for news or enter or click on for the address list. Please help me do this for all of you by emailing me or posting yourself. We will all benefit from knowing more about each other. Like my Sis, I think that is so very important.
Here starts the news!
4-08-06 Dear Johnson families. I thought I should catch you up on Marcia. She is finally having her first bout of chemo in the UC hospital. Michael (Buck) is very impressed with the environment and the personnel. The doctor is in partnership with Marcia, and that is the way she wants it. As you may or may not know, this is the first of four hospitalizations for chemo. Marcia will come home Tuesday..she went in Thursday. Nancy will be there to receive her, as she was when Marcia had her surgery. Her spirits are very high, which I believe is half the battle.

I called Boettgers today because I couldn't get any answers at Wylie's. As I suspected there was an emergency...Dotte had a reaction to blood pressure medication and was hospitalized four days. She was at the hair dressers, which must be a good sign. I talked with Sonny and Don, who seemed good. The Wylies will be in RI another week. Jenny is also taking chemo, breast cancer, I believe.

I feel is it good for us to keep in touch, and it isn't easy, we are all so scattered. Still, I believe we have a good thing going for us when we keep connected with family. We hope you are all well, and we sent good greetings to you all.

Aunt Bobbie & Uncle Bob (Sis)


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